BIM - Recreate


ReCreate project update – first milestone for WP3 delivered!

The first milestone of Work Package 3 of the ReCreate project (Screening, logistics and processing) has been delivered!

Effective management of information through digital workflows will facilitate the reuse of precast concrete elements, which is essential for this work package. With the delivery of this milestone, we have solutions for Common Data Environments (CDEs) for ReCreate that will enable effective storing and sharing of data that is captured and produced. This will be a guide towards progressing the use of CDE and effective exchange of information as ReCreate activities move towards more advanced digital workflows and methods of collaboration.

The work of this milestone includes a comparison of selected features of existing CDE solutions that we have conducted for commercial BIM-based CDEs as well as for well-known general purpose CDEs.

Further work will include support to the country clusters in adopting the CDE solution in ReCreate activities. The needs for improved workflows is a take-off point for further progress and maturity in working with open standards and higher levels of structured data. The benefits of BIM methodology and open data will ultimately result in greater efficiencies, productivity and synergies as the project continues.

Find out more on the ReCreate project at this year’s H22 City Expo!


“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958200”.

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