The production of cement alone is accountable for 5–8 % of annual carbon emissions globally. Reusing precast concrete can reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint of single elements by 93-98%. Construction and demolition waste is the single most significant source of waste in the EU, subject to a 70 % recovery target under the Waste Framework Directive. This project develops the transition towards circular construction by investigating the systemic changes needed in the whole ecosystems of construction and demolition.
Earlier, isolated experiments in the pilot countries have shown that reuse can be viable in optimal conditions, but there are major obstacles with the technology, acceptability, supply chain integration, economics and the lack of circular construction business models.
Localization is an important aspect of the project, as the operational environment is framed by local border conditions (e.g. industry structures, building norms, construction techniques). Due to the significant stocks of precast buildings in the Baltic and Balkan regions, the knowledge sharing, dissemination and communication activities of ReCreate are targeted, in addition to the piloting countries, particularly to Eastern EU member states.