Testing concrete elements: a step towards circular construction

August 2, 2024by ReCreate project

Lagemaat at TU/e (in collaboration with the Dutch cluster)

As part of the international @ReCreate project, we are working closely with various partners, including the Dutch cluster. This month, the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) will conduct further research at our site to test concrete elements from the Prinsenhof pilot project. This research helps us understand the impact of weather conditions on the stored elements in Heerde. The materials from the Prinsenhof project will thus find a new purpose at the Circular Center in Heerde.

An important aspect of our collaboration with TU/e is testing various concrete elements for their reusability, enabling their circular application. In a recent vlog, Marcel Vullings (TNO) and Fred Mudge (TU/e student) share their findings from these tests. They investigate how concrete parts can be dismantled and what new applications are possible in future projects.

These tests are crucial for the progress towards a circular construction sector. By reusing concrete elements, we save on new raw materials and reduce tons of CO2 emissions. The collected data forms the basis for future projects.

Examples of projects that strongly focus on material reuse include the Zuiderstrandtheater in Scheveningen and the Ruijgoordweg 80 project in Amsterdam. Through this approach, we continue to innovate and contribute to a sustainable construction industry.

ReCreate project


“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958200”.

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